Contact information
4140 Stargrass Court
Hilliard, OH 43026
Phone: (614) 876-9719
Fax: (614) 876-9756
About Underwood & Associates
About Jim Underwood
About our associates
Clients past and present
Case studies
Underwood & Associates is a sum of its parts.
We are a company where our associates really count because it is through our network of associates that we are able to control costs for our clients. By networking with other professionals, our clients don't have to pay for in-house talent sitting around waiting for someone to use them.
If a project calls for legal, accounting or public relations specialists, we bring those professionals on board only as needed. For example, if a client needs public-relations counseling, we will contract with our associates at Lesic-Camper Communications to make those services available. Likewise, if a client needs organizational expertise, our joint-venture partners at Laralyn & Associates bring their knowledge and skills to the project.
At Underwood & Associates, the research process begins with an analysis and inventory of what the client needs to achieve the research objective. We then assemble the team that can best achieve that objective, often at a savings of thousands of dollars to the client.
Early in our business, we learned that too many times clients are called upon to pay for talent they don't need from in-house personnel that might not possess the specific skill-set required to develop research. Our business model makes us a sole practicioner with access to a wide range of professionals and skill sets through networking and strategic joint ventures. Frankly, it means more business for us, more business for our associate partners and greater savings for you, the client.
It is a business model that just makes sense in today's fast-paced world. 
Menu of Services
Coroporate research
Public policy research
Public records research
Polling & surveys
Directed interviews
Focus groups & roundtables
Strategic planning
Industry analysis
Database development

© 2010 Underwood & Associates